Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a fishing licence?

Information about Nova Scotia fishing licences can be found on the following link:

Where do I direct my questions regarding the website?

You can contact the general phone line at Inland Fisheries: (902) 485-5056 or email your question to Alternately, you can learn more about Nova Scotia's sportfishing industry on the provincial website:

Which lakes are being stocked this year?

As part of our popular Hatchery Stocking Program approximately 200 lakes are stocked with either brook trout or rainbow trout each spring as part of our urban stocking program. Trout are generally catchable size and in addition to providing angling opportunity may reduce pressure on more vulnerable wild stocks. Weekly stocking updates are a great way to stay up to date on stocking and sportfishing opportunities.

Where can I find information on becoming a licenced fishing guide in Nova Scotia?

For more information on training and requirements, visit the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables page: Guide Training Requirements |