44.675541997765, -63.540085072491

65 Alderney Ferry
Dartmouth NS B2Y 3K6

Penhorn Lake

Penhorn Lake is a popular urban lake which is stocked regularly with Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout. It is most easily accessed from the beach at the end of Penhorn Drive. The area offers a great experience for the whole family and sports good fishing if you wade along either end of the beach.


Brook trout engraving-style illustration
Brook Trout  |  Salvelinus fontinalis
Drawing of a Rainbow Trout
Rainbow Trout  |  Oncorhynchus mykiss


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This fishing area is enforced following general regulations, seasons, and bag limits. It also offers an extended season for Rainbow & Brook Trout, with a reduced bag limit. For details, please review Nova Scotia Anglers’ Handbook

Anglers’ Handbook - Government of Nova Scotia